My plan was to introduce each dog by seniority, but I'm feeling somewhat neglectful about Tank. Trust and Blast have been shown tracking a number of times, so I'm jumping over to Tank. The reason I don't have as many pictures of Tank (tracking) is his speed and strength pulling into the harness. I cannot take pictures as I go. Tank is a good looking fellow, shown only one weekend in conformation, earning one point. However, conformation is not a big interest for me, so we haven't pursued this. His brother and two sisters easily earned their Championships.

Tank earned his TDX (below - judge Sharon Smith at CCTC) when he was just a month past 2 years. We're now working in urban tracking. A UTD is the priority right now; later we may go back to more advanced obedience or field work.

Tank is wonderful at the nursing home as well, and is gradually 'working in' to be the main pet therapy dog when the shelties retire. He was actually "planned" for this future job, even before he was conceived. When I was looking at breeds for the "perfect" dog for my interests, with health, personality, and suitability as a therapy dog being the top three priorities, the labrador retriever won out. But only a thoughtful, well-bred one would do. Since I knew (and very much liked) his mom and uncle, and knew a breeding was planned, the decision was easy.
I asked my husband if he would like a puppy for his birthday. He laughed. A few days later, he asked if I was serious, I said, of course. So....he inquired 'what was I thinking' and once I told him, he said "Sure"!!! He's so easy!!! So Tank is his dog....LOL.