Well, here we are again, nothing but more snow and dog pictures....latest forecast is for 15 -20 cm snow. Planning our tracking entries for next week, which seems a bit ridiculous right now.....what can you do?!

I can't believe how big Tanks' mouth is! He saw the new ball on a rope and thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

I'm sneaking up on him and he's pretending he doesn't know. In a flash he will duck off if I don't call him.

Look at Tanks' back legs, funny guy, he's trying to stop in mid air, seeing the ball landing beside him when he expected it well out in front. Trust is making one of her feeble attempts to get it!

And here she is, actually TRYING to get it away from Tank. Trust really has no interest in balls, she's just in one of her 'princess' moods...

And now the Princess has turned into a Puppy...a ten year old one! She was acting very silly and having a great time.

Kira's turn. She also approved of the new ball. Today was her first day after being spayed being fully off leash on walks. And she was having fun, jumping over the snowbank.

I threw a few balls out into the deep snow, she hasn't had this much fun for a while, and was certainly enjoying it.

All four off the floor! Running back with the ball on a recall.

She's up on a snowhill here, waiting to see which way I'm going next.

I was tossing the ball up in the air here, not for her to catch, I wanted it to come down to the side so she wouldn't jump for it.

Blast is saying, oh boy, it's finally my turn. I heard all the commotion and I know there's a new ball, and holy cow, there it is outside of the gate in the driveway, let me out, let me out, I need that new ball!!!! And he said all of this without taking a breath, poised and ready to spring.

So, when I finally got it....I tossed it way over the highest snowbank. He had no trouble going up and over, but coming back was another matter. The other side is soft and he got bogged down pretty good and really had to climb and push to get up and over coming back to me. I'm so mean. But he loves it.

So, he's up on top, pulling himself together so he can jump down.

Blast coming back further down into the field. He would do this all day. He would get tired, but wouldn't quit if he had a choice.

Climbing out over another snowbank along the driveway. I'm so NOT looking forward to another big dump of snow. I sure hope the forecast is wrong (it often is!).