A window of opportunity, and I was raring to go! Unfortunately the weather seems to have affected my brain recently, and I set out after heavy rainfall stopped with plans to lay a track for Tank, zip to another location, lay a track for Blast, age a bit, and then back to Tanks. So far, so good. By the time I began, the sun and humidity was back to our recent normals - awful - and I laid tracks too long. What was I thinking? Then Blasts' track was ok age-wise, only 1/2 hr. but by the time we got back to Tanks', it was 1 1/2 hr. However, they actually did very well, the long lay-off and conditions today sure didn't dampen their spirit. But I did kick myself!!!!!

Tank on his first leg. Not many pics. of his track, between his normal tugs and speed, either most pics. were fuzzy or I just couldn't handle the camera.

Passed the playground area and a corner, now nearing another corner and wood item ahead past the gates. He actually had veered off to the right here and was scooting back to the track.

He briefly indicated the wood article, then something caught his attention to the left.

When he turned back to it, I asked for a down and treated.

Then fast, blurry pics. past two more turns and into gravel/sand area. Yellow arrow points out early morning deer tracks which he ignored. This was just a short cut across the non-veg. surface, over to grass again.

I need to work on my line painting for these pics. It's been so long since I had tracks to put on, I forgot how long it takes to crop pics. and paint tracks on them. Also couldn't load pictures last night with weather glitches in service.

Second article, plastic, Tank flips over. No treat there, I gave him one after he lay down. After this, no pictures for a while..too bad, got none on hard surface, only the end. He was moving quickly, not right on the track on hard surface, but working and coming back, but also had a man kind of following along watching which distracted me, more than Tank. Tank actually had two corners on the asphalt.

Just reaching the final article, a small cotton glove. We played tug with it for a bit, and then turned back to talk to the man who had been following. I always try to explain to anyone interested what we are doing as they are very curious and interested. Tank did this full length (as it turned out) and too long aged track really great after being so long away from it and having turned 'instantly' hot and humid after laying it. There was little sign of water after the heavy rain.
Will do Blasts' track later, have a lot of pictures of his. Also did a really good 'search' with Kira in the evening, and will post something on that later as well.