Enormous birds, and so very weird. Sandhill cranes stand between 3 and 4 feet tall and the wingspan is approx. 80". That's one big bird! We always have a few each year, nesting nearby, but have never been able to pinpoint the nest. The one on the left almost looks like an albino, certainly it is "colour deprived". I believe the two on the right are young ones. These were spotted (naturally) as I was out tracking in the field across the road from us. Usually you hear them, before you see them, flying high above you with the most strange cackling/croaking noise; it is very distinctive, and once you recognize it, you'll remember it forever. On the ground and in the sky, they are a sight to behold. If you're ever lucky enough to come across them during migration, feeding in a field, the noise when they are startled is almost deafening.