Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kira - A Bit of Search Work

I have been using small cotton pads to work with Kira recently. This way, they are identical in appearance, so nothing is a "better reward" for her to find. Above, she had just pulled out one that was hidding inside the folded sweater.These first four pictures were scented(by David) for approx. 10 minutes, and hidden for about 1/2 hr. before I took her in. She has just found one that was under the grey towel. These are completely hidden, she cannot "see" them to find them.She has just reached in behind the two cushions on the chair and is carefully pulling this article out.Ducking into this shelf, she finds one back on a metal weigh scale. The next three pictures were from the previous day, my scent on them, hidden for about 20 mins.The arrow is pointing to the article hidden under one of Tanks' pillows. She has just found it.Kira is carefully pulling this one out of the corner of the door frame.A tricky one here, it was completely inside the closed drawer, and exactly at this corner. Kira just loves this "game" that is preparing her for a future job.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

Emma is visiting her grandma this weekend, and sent me this picture to say HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!
There is no other country in the world like Canada! We are so lucky to live here.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Blasts' Urban Track Sunday

Just off the start, laid in shade, still some moisture in this grassy area. You can see the track ahead of him, leading to the baseball diamond. Nice start, was getting hot fast, we had done Emmas' track first.A quick check to the left at the transition from grass to gravel/sand. There had also been people with 7 dogs out here earlier playing around, and fresh deer tracks across the baseball area.Blast had a corner on the gravel/sand and through puddle onto grass again towards his next corner. It had rained the night before, which was helpful with the heat.This is a very short leg to the next corner on the other side of the fence. This will be a narrow area for him, and one that Tascha saw all the dogs walking through.We then move through an open gate into the 'playground' area. He did appear to check a couple of places where the dogs likely had peed, but was very focused on the track.We move into the sand area under the swings. He cut this corner a little to the left but darn near nailed his turn.And out we go into a short grass/dirt type area again. Also, dogs were here about 45 mins. previously.Finally, his first article...between his legs...cloth glove. I'm "convincing" him to stop and lie down and giving him treats for this. He's so fast to indicate with a glance, I'm hoping for 'something' a little longer so it won't be missed by me, or a judge. At the same time, do not want to "practice" obedience on the track or kill the drive.We've moved on and I "expected" he would show an interest "into" the open gate, but he did not...such a good boy. And another article. This was a plastic lid, with a treat under it. He was digging at it, to flip it over, so that was pretty obvious. I did 'ask' for a down when I got up to him, which he did quite willingly and so got another treat! It's fast though, he doesn't want to stay, he wants to keep going, which is good!No problem moving directly onto the asphalt, he did dip his toes in a water puddle to the right, then continued right on to make his corner and move out nicely on the track. He's done very little urban work yet, I'm really pleased with him. He is working with great enthusiasm on the hard surface.The final article for Blast is just ahead, actually obscured by his topline. This is a great picture as it is clear he is ONLY using his nose here. The glove is completely in sight if he was lifting his head and "looking" for it. He was barely inches, at times, off this complete leg on the asphalt. I sure hope this ability continues with him.Again, I 'encouraged' him to stay a bit longer than a moment in time here. I put a few treats on the glove when he indicated it. But did not insist for long, most important was to play.Ready to spring for the glove! Nice shot, Tasha!Was actually trying to NOT let him jump up on the asphalt, but he's too fast for me!
So we had a good tug/out/tug session for while which is a huge reward for Blast, even if it darn near kills me!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Super "Emma" Track Today

I'm sorry I missed the first leg of this track, it was an extremely steep downhill right after the start, and there was a football right beside the track. Emma never even glanced at it, but it was at least 3x the size of her, so maybe she was hoping it was not alive! Above, Emma has just pulled Tascha around the first corner.Emma is checking out track on sand here, she shortly pounced back on the leg and off they went!Back up the hill, with the first article here, Emma indicated the cloth article nicely.And off again, having made another corner and she had no hesitation moving off this grassy area and onto the asphalt.You almost have to lean to the side walking across this area, it is so slanted. Can you believe it is part of a school playground? If you fall at the top, you just keep rolling on down!!! Emma worked nicely across here..helpful were cracks and bits of grass..and then the left corner coming up in shade.She's found another article crossing the gravel play area and made another turn. On her last leg now, she is picking up more speed (whole track was FAST!) towards the final article.No problem reaching the glove. What a great little urban tracker Emma is becoming.And this is what she really looks like...all ten pounds of her. She LOVES to track.