Here, he has made his second corner onto the third leg. This turn and the leg run up the centre between tire tracks. The third corner actually is centred in a crossing of four tire tracks. He worked this a bit but really had no problem.
Above, on his fourth leg, with multi track crossings; this is also where he seemed to pick up the 'scent' of where I think the deer leg had been dragged or perhaps even was brought down. He did veer off a couple of times, and had his nose buried in the ground, but a couple of verbal cues brought him back to the track.
Whoa! What's this?! Blasts' hind legs are ON the track, and he's just stepping over to his discovery. What a reward this could be! Knowing it was coming, I had moved up very close behind him, and I was holding tight, letting him smell it, but I definitely did not want him to lick or grab at it, and did not want him staying there getting overly stimulated. This was just too exciting for a "Leave It!" command at that time to actually "work".
The deer leg forgotten, he had rushed along this leg to the article. What a good guy!
I had thought, dare I let him loose to play with the article? It appeared to have been forgotten after the article was found, and we spent a few minutes doing a number of throws and tugs. I was just careful not to throw back in that direction.
I just held my ground, I did give him a little tug while telling him to leave it and repeated his find command more than once. The instant he started to move off, I praised him, told him to find again, and reluctantly, I think, he moved on. He did pause a couple of times to glance back, ever wishful, but shortly picked up his speed again on the track. I was very happy with this.
You can imagine how tough this must be for a dog.
You just never know what you may encounter on these field tracks!!!!!