For what it's worth, I guess. There's certainly no impending signs of spring here and won't be for some time. Often the month of March is the worst for us with our driveway drifted in with strong winds. Even if the day is lovely and sunny, and no snow, we can be stuck here from the drifting. Hope not this year!!! But it's hard to believe that "officially" it will be spring in just over a month and even worse...the worst thing is the first tracking trial is in just over two months!!! How can anyone propare for this unless they live in the southern part of the province!!!
Two days ago, these six came in the afternoon, but didn't stay too long, they have become very skittish.
Playing with the ball this morning in the front fields. She's a solid looking girl.
And a crazy one at times too...Finding the stick was a bonus when I wasn't tossing the ball for her...gotta' do something!
Intensely looking at the ball I was about to throw for her.
Blast! I love how he stretches out, even though difficult getting through the crusty snow. David was throwing the ball for him, as I was trying to get some profile shots of Blast. Never works when I'm alone.
Boy, I want to get back tracking!!!!