When we got to the first hard surface, she cut way down towards the building, then began working up, and circling around, on the paved area. I saw an article, and she actually circled around it three times before 'finding' it. She sure wasn't using her eyes and was working very hard to find it. I was pleased with this.
She has just found it, it was a plastic lid upside down and filled with water, which she began to lick.....interesting.....
She was right on here, cement with weeds growing through and then a brick area, to the final corner.
Again, you could see this article from the final corner, but she was working with her nose, and had moved left over a sandy area/grass before sharply turning to the article. You can see pooled water by the walkway here, it is just lightly raining at this time.
Trust is happy, she's found her glove and that's the end of 'that' track. It certainly was difficult and just what this heavy, heavy rain had done on the grass really has me stumped. Hopefully, on trial day, if there is rain, it will be nice and light, just enough to hold the scent down and not
completely obliterate the track!