They both completed this track in a similar fashion, and curious, that both had the "issue" on the same leg.
Blast retrieving his glove after the track. We did a few throws and tugged, until I remembered this was actually one my "good" gloves.
I had a debate with myself this morning, the nice thing about this, I always win...
The U.S. List had some recent posts about some dogs doing better on 'older' tracks than fresh tracks; I tend to agree. Also, for trials, tracks are plotted the day ahead of the test. This means there are usually 3 people walking the same track, the judge, the tracklayer, and the equipment person. And sometimes, they might change the plan part way through. So, you have a heavy laid track by different people on one day, the next day the plotted track is walked by the tracklayer.
Today was Blasts' turn to track, and out of curiosity, I decided to go back to Reese's track, re-walk it, making changes on two of the legs, and see how Blast did. Certainly not 'scientific' but I was curious. Also, conditions were very different. Taking this into mind, I still found it very interesting. Didn't really come up with much, he did ok on the track, but might be interesting to try another time when the conditions are pretty much the same. I wonder if anyone else has tried this.