She has already found her third article, a sock, and is moving strongly.
Originally, I planned to make another turn on the asphalt, but it was already hot when I laid the track, and decided to go over to the grass before turning. I expected the fence to suck in the scent but she stayed right on the track down to the end of the grass. Another article, plastic, was placed a little ahead of the driveway.
She was drawn a little around the grass beside the driveway and after checking the air, turned back toward the track. I purposely laid the track between the cracks, not on them, as I had already used cracks in previous areas. She will move up onto grass again, across a sidewalk, more grass, and a turn to the right, over the driveway, and over onto grass again.
Another left turn on the grass and we head towards a busy road crossing. We are approaching a ditch first, unfortunately full of garbage and a bit of a steep climb out. She loves working through these areas, and just plowed through. I move up close to tell her to 'wait' at the road after she has determined where the track crosses.
We have crossed the road, moved onto a scrubby grass aread, then crossed a driveway and are up on a freshly cut area of grass. When I was laying the track, I noticed two trucks with trailers and lawn equipment parked near the building...figured they were going to be cutting. After I finished the track and walked back for my van, I drove over to talk to the workers. One had been wondering what I was doing, so explained where I left two articles, neither on grass and made sure they weren't putting anything on the grass. Knowing that when I returned with Trust, the grass would all be freshly cut was another unplanned obstacle for her. She had no trouble with it at all.
I have to admit, once again, she surprised me here. She was right on the track and the corner the whole distance.
Trust had made her turn, and I'm still on the previous leg, as you can see by the line, waiting for her to move out on the pavement and commit before I move forward.
Once again, I avoided walking on all the lines when I laid this track. I stepped over them when I had to cross them. She really seemed to do much better than when I was walking on the lines, which I had thought, previously, was a good idea. I left a metal article at the end of one line. It wasn't on it, but looked like it was part of it, so it wasn't easy to see. The blue arrows in this picture are pointing out the lawn equipment guys.
And here she has indicated it. She had been moving a little to the left of it, and suddenly turned and swung right to it. It was like "Wow! Look at this!!!"
From that article we moved up onto a grass island, off it onto pavement, then up onto another grass island. The final article was on the other side of the the second island. I had planned to leave it on grass, but after seeing the lawn guys there, knew I couldn't do that.
For whatever reason, Trust moved along the curbs instead of on the grass, but headed right to the final article fairly easily. What the difference was between these freshly cut grassy islands, and the first stretch of grass freshly cut, I'm not really sure.
But you never know what happens while you're aging these tracks; today it was just over 2 hr. because of the heat, but I know there was a lot of "action" there with the lawn crew. There were also bags of garbage, so I assume someone was walking around picking that up as well.
I thought Trust did great today and she was really happy working this track. Some days she just surprises me, and when I think it will be a tough one, it isn't, and when I lay one that should be a breeze for her, she finds it difficult or stands and watches clouds change shape...who knows!