Thursday, May 20, 2010

Giant Insect or Strange Dude?

Can you imagine?!! I was driving home from North Bay, on the highway, and waaay up ahead saw what looked like a kite with someone hanging on to it gliding over the highway coming off Lake Nipissing. It veered towards Callander, and I decided to follow, thinking there was a serious problem here! It was low, flying over town and hydro wires and then turned out over the lake again. It "folded" and looked like it was coming down, but re-opened and turned back as I was pulling to the side of the road. I got out with my camera, and snapped this as he was about to cross right over me. You could hear a buzzing sound, and I guess he controls the direction by his arms. No idea how he lands. Too weird. Must be the long weekend.......