Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blast Field Tracking

This is Blast, right off the scent pad, nose down and determined. It was a very windy afternoon, and we thought the dogs might have problems in this location on short, dead grass, but they worked really well. Originally, the plan here was strictly for motivational tracks.
I like to work "close" to the dogs, to see exactly what they are doing. Do you know some dogs will actually lick the track at times? I learned this from the Barnards several years ago and had never seen it until I began to work (in training) closer to the dogs - sure enough, it is true. I will work "up and down" the line, depending on what the dog is doing on the track. As you can see below, I'm near the end as Blast is running along a straight leg right here, exactly on the track.
This is one of the few pictures where his nose is a few inches off the ground. He's moving quickly and knows exactly where the track is. Below he went past the corner with the wind, and has just circled back and found it.
....and off we go again....
Blast had five legs and four corners on this track, aged about 40 minutes. It was a long TD type track. He indicated his article clearly, picked it up, and we had a few tugs and tosses with it. A very enjoyable afternoon, just hope we will soon have some real grass!