Thursday, March 4, 2010

Congratulations & Where's the Puck?!

Firstly, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to All the medal winners, regardless of medal colour. The "life" stories were amazing, so much work and sacrifice, and so many great placings as well, that were 'just' out of the medal placings. Everyone involved in this Olympics, the volunteers, etc. did such outstanding work. Of course, the big story these past couple of days is where is Sids' stick and gloves?! This moved on to where is the winning puck?
I took this picture this morning of the tv (too bad so much sunlight streaming in reflecting) with Jeff on CTV - sorry about your face, Jeff. But after going through the footage, he FOUND what happened to the puck - the linesman is coming in to pick it up! You can just barely make it out behind the goalie. So where is it now?