Monday, March 22, 2010

A reader asks...........

Do you set your own tracks? Where is the dog when you do that?

1. Yes, mainly I do. I have laid almost all my tracks for all of my tracking dogs for many, many years. That includes cross-tracks for TDX work.
I have mostly lived in areas where no-one else was tracking but aside from that, in training, I want to know where the tracks, corners, articles, etc. are so that I can assist my dog if it runs into a problem.
Having the odd one (early on) laid by someone who did not know how to tracklay and couldn't stay around to walk with us proved to me this was the correct decision....for me. Many people never lay their own tracks, especially if they work with other people.
This has never caused me, or any of my dogs, a problem. When they occasionally may follow a strangers' track (ie in a test), if anything, they find it more interesting.
Right now, I have a friend who is laying an occasional urban track for me. I map out what I want first and/or we drive around the area and I pretty much show her where to go. This way, the dog has an opportunity to follow a strangers' scent, and I know there won't be any issue with article placement or obstacles. Laying tracks in urban is much more involved.
2. The dog(s) are either in the house (if I'm doing them here) or in their crates in the van.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.