Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emma's First Hard Surface Track

Emma earned her Tracking Dog title last fall with an amazingly quick and accurate track. She has done a little work on straight lines on hard-packed snow, and since we have no grass yet, we decided to get her going on completely hard surface. We took advantage of this location having a tiny section of old dead grass and mud to lay a scent pad. Our snow is beginning to melt this week, and temps. have risen enough so that our fingers don't totally freeze up! What a treat!!! Emma is an 8 lb. long haired doxie, and just loves to track.

Here, she is working along the sidewalk, nose down all the way. Emma went right past many of her tiny food treats along the track.

This is her first turn and she's indicating the correct direction. Tascha quietly allows her to work the corner out herself; Emma then circled back and checked to the left, quickly heading back the right way. Good girl, Emma! This leg was on wet and snowy pavement and she worked along it like a trooper.

Emma has taken another right corner onto wet sand, some ice and puddles over pavement. The plan was to work very closely with her to see exactly what she was doing, and how she handled the transitions.

The track had gone through the wet area, and then serpentined out to the right, before heading back to the left and over to the far side. Emma is at her glove. She goes bonkers with her glove, shaking it until it is 'dead'. What a great track for both Tascha and Emma!