Sunday, January 23, 2011

A COLD Weekend!!!

I guess I spoke too soon, a week and a half ago, or so....we've been under a warning most of the weekend here....coldest temperatures yet of the winter, mornings in the minus 30's and windchills from -40 to -45. Our walks have been few and short, but not too bad. Have to go out with the dogs early morning, and follow them around, to keep them moving to do their "stuff"; if they stop, they can't get going again.
This afternoon was beautiful and sunny, we weren't getting the wind here as it was from the north, and the forest behind us protects us. We did two walks into the woods, short and fast, but quite least everyone was happy. Blast raced back around a 'corner' to get a stick he had dropped earlier...putting on the brakes here.
Coming back to see where I was...Dad didn't want to play with him...
Back out on the far side, and heading up towards the house. You'd never know it was so cold with the sunshine. And the house is hot, hot, hot inside with the sun and all the south-facing windows. Still around -25 and I had to open a few windows.
This would be a "semi-sit".....too cold to put that bottom right down, he's waiting to see if one of us will come and try to get the stick.
Not me! He gave up waiting and ran back with it. His game plan when he finds and picks up a stick is not one I enjoy playing, so he's on his own with this one. By this time, our fingers were too frozen to play, anyway. Considering how awfully cold it was, windchill was still around -33, our little walks were quite enjoyable.