Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blasts' Track Nov. 20th

 I didn't get the start on veg. for this track, it was short and off we went on gravel.  Above, Blast just took his first turn.
 We had a good stretch on the gravel surface, along with a small area of asphalt.  This was his first track since getting his UTDX and TCh title, almost 4 wks. ago.  So now we can do more or less what we want, not really training tracks.
 I do like to 'play around' with tracks, this one was aged only an hour, there had been a lady and dog playing in this area when I first drove up.  I put in short legs and various scent distractions, and just see what he does.
 Another nice turn, just before the drainage rocks after passing a pile of deer poop...he took no notice.
 Just came off the grass onto a driveway with the turn in the centre.  I left a piece of food about 4' past the corner on this turn which he is just going to.
 Another right turn coming up ahead and we will go under a covered, but open area.
 Dead on this corner, conditions were very favorable, damp and not aged long, and no doubt enthused after not tracking for a while.
 This is a skating rink - on the right - in winter and it has been totally "roofed over".  It is an interesting place for scent in here, depending on conditions, it can move all over, or be held down.  Next turn is down past this spot, outside the structure, but before the building.
 He actually spent some time here circling and checking every direction before making the turn.  There were three choices, all different veg. and non. veg.
 Reaching the end, down a little hill, he's headed to his reward.  I have to admit, I had no articles!!!  I forgot I had cleaned all my tracking gear out of my van, can't believe that.  So all I had were the gloves I wear and wasn't going to part with, and two cans of sardines...so that was his only article, at the end.
Before I reached him, he had ripped off the plastic covering on the can, tried licking it, but couldn't open the can, luckily.  I got it and he was quite delighted to have his sardines!
This was just a fun track, I've missed going out and with weather still holding off winter, just had to do it today.  What's too bad, is I also did a track with Tank in another location, and he did very well, but I forgot the camera when I put him on it.  Same thing, no articles, just sardines at the end.  His was 2 hr. old and hard surface was paved parking lot.  I think both were happy to have the sardines, and certainly didn't care about missing other articles!!!  Was so nice to get them both out again.  Would be lovely if winter held off, but sounds like snow next week...