Sunday, September 19, 2010

Delightful or Deadly Forest Fungi?

We have never seen so many mushrooms or colourful fungus in the forest as we have in the past three weeks. Conditions are perfect, I assume, and some pop up overnight. I can't believe how fast they grow! Here are just a few very colourful shapes and I've no idea what they are. We just bought an Audobon book to try and identify them, but there are thousands and many are so similar.
Each walk through different areas in the forest always surprise us.
Every day there is something new. It's almost like magic.
I don't know what, but something nibbles at many of these, so hopefully something in the forest knows if they are safe to eat!
I think perhaps anything red is to be avoided, but they are certainly lovely to look at.

Some just pop up on wood, or dead leaves, they don't need earth to grow on or in.