Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sandhill Cranes in Tracking Fields

The VERY noisy sandhill cranes are back, not sure why they are more "grey" right now, and earlier in the year they were quite "brown"....perhaps feed, or type, I really don't know.

Although not trying to scare them off, as soon as I got out of the truck, they began to take flight...however, I did want to try and get pictures of this......

We don't see a lot of them, but I've heard where the flocks are huge, everyone dislikes them intently. They are loud, they croak and cackle and some people describe the noise they make like chalk on a blackboard. I find them very interesting, if odd...

This is just a small part of the flock. There were about 20. I think the two on the right are immature birds, and they seem to be more of the brownish colour. They are in a field where grain had been grown and not really in one of the tracking fields we were using.