Wednesday, March 9, 2011

ANOTHER *#!!/**$%#! Snowy Day

So...down the driveway we go again! It's nice the dogs are easily amused by our walks and toys.
A friend just emailed today that we were tracking last year on March 11th....hard to believe looking at this.
Even Trust was playing today with the rubber hose. She has become more playful than when she was a pup, which is pretty strange...
Let's see, what kind of dog is this!!? Why, it's determined Tank, trying to catch that fast ball!
Blast has it this time, he sure looks long-legged in this picture, like he's gliding along...
I first thought this was Blast, but it's not, it's Kira...same ball, different walk. This WAS Elle, but I renamed her as she didn't respond very well to her name. She "took" right away to Kira and looks immediately when she hears her name now.
Kira certainly looks more like a german shepherd with those ears "up". They are still changing but seemed more "up" today.
She's so cute. And both ears up. Yesterday I had "another" discussion with someone when we were out about her breed! I can't get over the number of people up here that still think a GSD only comes in Black and Tan, maybe sometimes Black, but never heard of or seen a Sable. That's the snow at the sides of the driveway, by the way...
Kira does look a lot like Blast here. She's deciding whether to give me a big thrill (in her mind!) and drop the ball down the steps. We're heading in for lunch.