Monday, September 12, 2011

Blasts' Track Sunday

Blasts' start is shown by the red arrow, a tiny white spot marks it. It was between bushes, and I should have known better in this location as hotel guests walk their dogs over here. So it's obvious what pulled him off the track just after he started.Verbally bought him back on and we head out again. Don't know what's wrong with people, there was poop further along, but by this time, he wasn't bothering.Blast has just made his left turn and I'm starting to follow. This leg takes us up a little hill, over the top, with an article before we hit the asphalt.Working nicely over the hill, he will soon find his plastic article.He briefly pulled to the left of the track here, wind was 'coming' from the left, so not sure what he scenting. He did come back on the track and stayed close the rest of the way across the parking area.The wood article was near the curb to make sure it wasn't an issue for cars driving through this driveway, and Blast stopped and indicated clearly, before moving over the narrow grass island, across another driveway and then we will head up the hill in front of him.Once over the top, he goes out onto another driveway in a very wide section where there is the MOT turn to the right. He did this very well.And after he turns, goes up another short hill onto grass, towards his last corner.Over the crest of the hill, he is just approaching the corner, a left turn.And at the end of the last leg, he just reached the leather article. Good Boy!!!I think he was trying to 'help' me get into my bag here for his toy, while I tried to undo his harness.