Sunday, September 11, 2011

Emma & Tascha Tracking Today

A great day today, we got out to do three tracks. Cool, damp morning, but by the time we were on the third dog, it was HOT again.
Tascha brought Emma in from the side and Emma quickly found the right direction and was off.I love this picture. Emma had checked both ways and then took off in the right direction at this corner and didn't hesitate a second heading out across the cinder running track.This was her first article, a cloth glass case, in the centre of the running track.I got waylaid by a fellow wondering what we were doing, and by this picture, they had made two more hard surface turns, found a second article, plastic on this walkway and were heading towards the end of the track.The track left the sidewalk, crossing onto the asphalt right at the corner of the building...a very tricky spot as the wind blows around the corner of this building. No problem, Emma just moved off and over to the grass, and has just turned her last corner above.She found her glove, and Tascha is running up praising her.Time for fun and games with Emma and the glove!