He starts off nicely on a short stretch of grass. He will cross a wide driveway and make a fairly sharp left turn on grass again.
Tank is working well along the second leg, and nearing his next corner, a right turn. This leg continues on grass, over another driveway, back to grass.
He was having a mighty good time. He just dove on his first article, a small cloth glove and presented it to me. We will be heading out on the driveway, and continuing across around the grass, then turning right up the driveway to parked cars.
Tank indicated the corner, just to the left of my left foot and had begun to turn between the cars, when 3 fellows stuck their heads out a doorway of a shed to the left. He lost his concentration, not sure whether to "visit" or bark...he chose a bark! Then he had to work a bit to find the leg heading through the cars again. Once he did, he hit grass and another article, a plastic lid.
Over the little grass hill, we went across another paved driveway, hit a patch of grass and then his last article.