A couple of weeks back, we walked down the driveway and he suddenly took off into the field. Part way out, he began to circle, increasingly smaller circles, zoomed in and began to dig through the snow like crazy. Shortly after, he came up with something solid in his mouth, I couldn't make it out. He came racing back and it turned out to be a frozen solid old glove that I remembered we had played with - a MINIMUM of five weeks previously on a walk. I truly don't know how he does it.
So this post isn't really about tracking....but scent in general...
He has found old things, usually a toy, previously in much the same way, but not after this length of time, and not under a foot and a half of snow. The nose is amazing!
Last year, Trust was tracking through an asphalt parking lot, and we were near the end of the track. A leather glove had been left just past the change into some dead grass and near a small port-a-room building. No article was seen. It was not windy, so it wasn't blown off, a mystery. I'm looking around and she starts to circle, around and around into smaller circles, me trailing and using my eyes to no avail. Voila! Trust begins to look "upwards" and move straight towards a trailer hitch. There it was, propped up on top! Someone had obviously seen it, thought it had been lost, and kindly stuck it up where it could be seen and found. Not by me, certainly, but by the dog with the nose!!! (I was standing 2' from it and still had not seen it!!!)
I love watching the dogs work like this, proving once again, they are much smarter than me!