Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Emma/Tascha UTD Track Tuesday

Emma had a very nice start and worked well on this first leg on very sparse and dead grass and at a very busy intersection.She just made her first turn, and Tascha will stand still, not turning her body direction, or moving, until Emma has fully indicated she is on the track.This was the "surprise" when I laid the track. Just beginning to cross the brick walkway, there was a sprinkler to the right watering the plants. I was able to pause when laying the track so I could scoot through without getting wet. When Emma reached this spot, she did not want to continue at first. After circling to the left and trying to go through there, she came back and they both went through this area, dead on the track. But...slowly...and getting wet. I apologized to Tascha, but there was nowhere else I could go at that time, and of course, I had a good laugh about it, so did Tascha....I think....Once Emma started moving, she certanly had no problem with the sprinkler raining down on them.The hose had been moved after I laid the track and the young fellow had walked over the area just before this picture. Emma had taken "his" track for a while, and we helped her back to "her" track where she continued on to this article. Tascha took some time here to play/reward Emma which helped her confidence and she was very enthused to continue on with the track.Up another leg, working really well.Again, Emma just made a right turn. There had been people milling around here previously, and she worked it out very well.Reaching another brick walkway, the young fellow had also walked up here to gather and remove the hose to the sprinkler. She took a little detour up the path while Tascha waited, and Emma came back to the track and turn across the walkway.I had dropped a few treats on the walkway and she was right on the track over to grass. Her next turn is under the trees and to the left leading to a large sandy area.Off she goes, no food on sand and she had no trouble in here.
I had wondered how she would do passing the picnic table and a piece of garbage left on the ground. She very briefly checked towards the picnic table, and back to the track. As you can see, she ignored the paper garbage and moves out toward the paved driveway. This driveway had traffic on it in each direction the whole time we were there.She did a nice corner, moving along a little to the right. There was a strong wind coming from the left and the purple broken lines show where 3 vehicles with people walking around had just left before they reached this spot. Little arrow points to a place they dumped "something"??Just before reaching this area, with me walking behind, a lady stopped directly behind me and honked her horn, scaring the bejezus out of me. She had been parked on the other side, and seemed to be watching us, turned around, coming up behind. How very nice of her. We moved slightly so she could go past as I waved at her....Emma turns and reaches the article.
A lot going on with this track, so I think they did great. It wasn't aged long, as the wind was strong, it was such short, dry grass and the location was busy with traffic, both foot and vehicles.
I had 3 artcles, but ended up just placing two. Also had a storm moving in and two more dogs to track and one for other work.
I was very pleased with Emma and Tascha and again, we've had so little opportunity to do urban work for a few weeks with the extreme hot and humid conditions.