A busy day on Tuesday, tracking 3 dogs, all in different locations, and also work with Kira! Another thing I discovered, much to my surprise, was that North Bay even has traffic jams at times...
Then, working on the multi pics. for this has taken a couple of days. So this is it!
I have said in the past, I often train some more difficult areas or combinations than you would normally find in a test. Knowing where the track is, helps me to help the dog work out problems when necessary.
And Tank had no problem with this area, he took the turn right away and is heading off across another driveway. What a good guy! We go up on another little grass area, down in a ditch and then another road crossing.
Lots of cars had been going up and down this road. He is crossing to the left of the track which comes out about 6' to the right of the post.
A cloth article on the grass past the sidewalk and we actually move up the edge for quite a ways here. There were two different doggiedoos along here, I just hate these ignorant people that don't pick up after their dogs. I actually pulled him off and around these areas to avoid them.
This is the front area, near an entrance to a large school...manicured area, but look at the brown grass. It's been just so horrid with the dry, hot weather here.
Tank has made another corner and will move along, over a walkway, and finally reach his last article.
A workers' truck had been parked here when I lay the track, probably he walked around here also..I had walked behind the truck. Tank was checking the area of non-veg. and then headed to the corner of grass, and back on the walkway curving to the left, which is where I went. I wanted to hide the article from view...it was a rather largish work glove.
Here it is. Good boy, Tank! Funny thing with him today, though. He is usually a freak with articles, picking them up and turning back to me. Today he seemed to have no interest in them, and especially the last one, he didn't even pick it up. Normally, he would "wave" it at me. I still have no real idea what this was about...wish they could tell you...
Here, I was trying to interest him in playing with it, with no real luck. I tossed it for him to catch, which he did, but without his usual gusto. Very strange for him. Otherwise, he did a very decent track, aged longer than desired, due to travelling from one location to another. He did a couple of tough areas and worked well on the track so I was certainly very pleased with him. Will make a definite point of giving him a very desirable, happy and motivational short-aged track next time.