Sunday, August 7, 2011

BBH Agility Frog!

We've had so very few frogs or toads here this year with so much, and such a long stretch of terribly hot weather. There are no wet areas where we usually have some.
Really miss them. However, this afternoon, I could hardly believe it when I discovered, quite by accident, not one, but two little leopard frogs. One was beside the house and I took a little bowl of water out to leave it in case he spends his time nearby.
Then walking down to the dogs' gravesite, there was another, around the same size, sitting on the agility teeter-totter....and on the 'contact' area as well. What a smart little frog. It had been moved off into some high grass and weeds while David was cutting grass down there yesterday. I went back up to the house and got two water bowls to take down there. Last year I kept a large one in the grave area as I knew there were frogs there. This guy, above, was in the same place when I got back.
I figured he could be a BBH agility frog (BirchBarkHill)!!!